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Children's Commissioning Panel: Terms of Reference

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  • Forms Library Please see relevant section of Forms Library to access the required template.
  • To challenge and scrutinise external expenditure, along with expected outcomes, on social care funded foster care and residential placements;
  • To ensure the use of external foster care and residential placements is responsive to the assessed needs of the child/young person, and that placements are outcome focussed. This should include all identified health and education needs;
  • To take, or recommend, appropriate actions to ensure external agencies maintain and develop standards of care to ensure maximum benefits for all children and young people and/or prevent unnecessary breakdown of such placements;
  • To have an overview of and regularly review of all external social care funded foster care and residential placements placements.

The membership of the panel will be:

Caption: Membership

Job Title


Children's Commissioning & Development Manager


Service Manager – Children’s Social Care

Vice Chair

Clinical Services Manager (CAMHS)


Virtual School Head Teacher


Senior Social Worker – Fostering Team


Service Manager – Corporate Parenting


Area Manager – Children Looked After


Designated Nurse – Children Looked After


Children’s Commissioning & Quality Monitoring Officer


  • If a member is unable to attend the meeting they should endeavour to send a substitute;
  • A minimum of 3 members, one being from Children and Young People Support and Safeguarding Service area, must be present for the Panel to go ahead;
  • If the meeting is held without the Service Manager - Children’s Social Care then recommendations can only be made in principle and will require the endorsement of the service manager.
  • The Panel will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and will be scheduled for 90 minutes;
  • Additional meetings, if required, may be convened with the agreement of the members.
  • Children’s Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Team will be responsible for all aspects of facilitating Commissioning Panel meetings;
  • All relevant Panel papers will be circulated electronically 3 working days in advance by CCQMT and members will be responsible for ensuring they having sight of these at Panel meetings.
  • If the cost of a recommendation made exceeds £30,000 (weekly fee x length of approval of placement) then the endorsement of the Head of Service, Children & Young People’s Support & Safeguarding Services is required.
  • It is intended that this document will reviewed annually in March each year.

Last Updated: December 1, 2023
