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Extension and Variation of Supervision Order

Extension and Variation of Supervision Order

  1. Supervision Orders cease after 1 year, beginning with the date the Order was made, unless an application is made to extend the Order. A Supervision Order cannot last for more than 3 years.
  2. A Supervision Order cannot be varied to a Care Order. A fresh application for a Care Order has to be made (refer to the Procedures on Care and Supervision Orders). Failure to comply with a Supervision Order is not a ground for making a Care Order.
  1. The decision whether or not to extend a Supervision Order or not must be made at a multi-agency meeting. This must be further informed, if the child is the subject of a Child Protection Plan, by recommendations from a Child Protection Review Conference.
  2. The delegation of responsibility for an extension of a Supervision Order is with the Designated Manager (Children’s Social Care).
  3. Once, a decision has been made, Legal Services must be consulted.
  4. Decision to apply to vary a Supervision Order to a Care Order. This must be further informed, if the child is subject to a Child Protection Plan, by recommendations from a Child Protection Review Conference. Unless it is a emergency and an EPO is inappropriate. (See procedures and Emergency Protection Order).
  5. The delegation of responsibility for the variation of a Supervision Order to a Care Order is with the Designated Manager (Children’s Social Care).

Last Updated: December 1, 2023
