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May 2024

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management

This chapter was added in May 2024.

Restrictive Physical Intervention and Restraint

This chapter was added in May 2024.

Confidentiality Policy

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Recording Policy and Guidelines

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

East Riding Lone Working Guidance

In May 2024, this guidance was added.

Access to Records/Subject Access Requests

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Case Records and Retention

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Complaints and Representations

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Health and Safety

In May 2024, additional information was added about online safety.

Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Placements in Residential Care

In May 2024, this chapter was updated to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings and President of the Family Division Practice Guidance: Placements in Unregistered Children’s Homes in England or Unregistered Care Home Services in Wales.

Health Care Assessments and Plans

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Young Carers and Sibling Support

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed.

Disabled Children’s Service - Thresholds and Procedure

In May 2024, a link to the Eligibility Criteria was added.

Staying Put

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Direct Payments

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Contact with Parents/Adults and Siblings

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Applications for Emergency Protection Orders

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Advocacy and Independent Visitors

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Change of Name of a Child in Care

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Looked After Reviews

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Child in Need Plans and Reviews

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Private Fostering

This chapter was added in May 2024.

Placements in Foster Care

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Families with No Recourse to Public Funds

Section 5.2.5, Providing Support was updated in May 2024 to reflect the Home Office increase in financial support to individuals waiting to find out if they will be given asylum in the UK.

Fostering Panel

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

East Riding SEND Local Offer

In May 2024, this link was added.

Social Visits (Including Overnight Stays)

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Applications for Special Guardianship Orders

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Life Story Books Guidance

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Children Looked After and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Supervision and Support of Foster Carers

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Claims for Looked After Children

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds

Section 10, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty was updated throughout in May 2024 in line with Revised Practice Guidance on the Court’s Approach to Unregistered Placements (October 2023) and Revised National Listing Protocol for Applications that Seek Deprivation of Liberty Orders Relating to Children under the Inherent Jurisdiction. Also to include information from Guidance - Placing Children: Deprivation of Liberty Orders (Ofsted) - guidance for providers, social workers and placement commissioners on placing children, subject to a deprivation of liberty order (DoL), in unregistered settings.

Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This chapter was amended in May 2024 to include information from Special Educational Needs and Disability: Improving Local Authority Decision Making - Report of the Administrative Justice Council’s Working Group on Special Educational Needs and Disability.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

In May 2024, this chapter was refreshed throughout.

East Riding Local Offer for Care Leavers

In May 2024, this link was added.

Aftercare under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983

Section 2, Ordinary Residence was updated in May 2024 in line with case law.