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Children's Specialist Services Resource Panel

The Panel will consider all requests of assessed need for disabled children living in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Panel makes decisions relating to the allocation of specialist resources and equipment required to meet the assessed social care and health needs of disabled children and young people, aged 0-18 for Care and Health and 0 - 25 for equipment providing an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is in place.

The need for a resource must have been identified following an assessment of need and / or multi- agency review meeting.

Professionals will request from the Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer, a discussion slot at the next meeting 7 days before the panel and send the relevant paperwork to Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer, who will forward to members prior to the meeting and circulate any written information received.

Professionals will bring appropriate case information to the meeting and to present the cases for discussion.

If there are no cases for discussion, the Chair of the panel will cancel the meeting

The Lead Professional who brought the case will be responsible for contacting the parent / carer to inform them of the outcome.

The Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer will collate outcomes from the lead professional 6 months after panel, unless an alternative timescale is agreed.

  • Manager - Children's Disability Team;
  • Head of Care - Kings Mill School;
  • Head of Care - St Anne's School;
  • Early Years and Extended Services Co-ordinator – Early Years;
  • Children’s Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Team - Officer;
  • Team Leader - Special Educational Needs.

The Panel will meet monthly and dates will be agreed in advance. Panel meetings will be held at the Children's Disability Team Office and will last for a maximum of 2 hours.

Commitment to attending Panel regularly is expected. If a Panel member is unable to attend, a nominated representative can be sent but they must be able to make decisions.

Membership will be regularly reviewed and monitored.

Apologies for a panel meeting should be sent to the Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer.

Commitment to attending panels regularly is essential.

Panel members should ensure that they are familiar with case information/paperwork prior to the panel and be in a position to share relevant information about the cases being discussed.

Panel members must be fair and objective in deciding the appropriate resource to meet the needs of the child and family concerned.

Panel members should ensure colleagues in their own service area are aware of the panel and its function.

Unmet need will be reported to one of the following as appropriate:

  • Children’s Services Joint Commissioning Service Review and Implementation Group;
  • Joint Commissioning Panel;
  • Early Support Panel.

Decisions that cannot be agreed will be reported to the service manager for Children's Commissioning and Specialist Services

Brief notes and action points will be taken as a record by a member of the panel.

Information shared at panel will remain confidential, unless it is deemed that there is a risk to the child in which case the East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures and Guidance will be followed and information will be shared with Children's Social Care in accordance with those procedures.

Last Updated: December 1, 2023
